• Contact Information and opening hours for Livi Support

    Livi Support Opening Hours:

    Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm

    Saturday: 9am - 4pm

    Sunday: Closed


    Click here to contact our support team directly


    Or you can contact us on the telephone via 020 3870 3029

  • Questions for Livi Support

    Livi Support cannot provide any general information around health and diseases or give out medical advice. Livi Support can help you with any questions about how to use our app.

    For medical questions and advice, we recommend you to download the Livi app and book an appointment with one of the GPs.

  • Who should I contact with a complaint or concern?

    Complaints or concerns to Livi:

    If you are not satisfied with the care you received or you have any concerns, we would like to know about it. Please fill out our Feedback Reporting Form with details of your complaint. We acknowledge all complaints within 72 hours and aim to respond within 20 days.

    If you have an urgent matter or if your question concerns a GP appointment that already has taken place, we would ask you to contact us directly by phone.


    Complaints to an external authority:

    If you have followed the procedure above and are unsatisfied with the outcome, or you feel you can't raise the complaint with us, you have the possibility to direct your complaint to NHS England by sending an email to england.contactus@nhs.net or via:

    Phone number: 0300 311 22 33

    Address: NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT

    In case you need help with making your complaint, you can get in touch with NHS Complaints Advocacy. In case you feel vulnerable or need support, you can get in touch with the advocacy service VoiceAbility.

    Phone number: 0300 330 5454

    Text message service: 0786 002 2939

    Further authorities to contact:

    If both Livi and NHS England are not able to help you with your complaint, you can appeal to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman who investigate complaints about the NHS in England.

    Email: phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk

    Phone number: 0345 015 4033

    Text message service: 0300 061 4298

    Address: The Health Service Ombudsman for England

    Millbank Tower, Millbank London SW1P 4QP


    If patients from Scotland would like to make a direct complaint to Healthcare Improvement Scotland they can using this contact information:

    Programme Manager,

    Independent Healthcare Services team,

    Healthcare Improvement Scotland,

    Gyle Square

    1 South Gyle Crescent 


    EH12 9EB


    Tel: 0131 623 4342 (10am-2pm, Monday to Friday)

    Email: his.ihcregulation@nhs.scot